Tuesday, 22 February 2011

The 1-2-3 of business in 2011

These days it's all about 1-2-3...
We all know that we are working in a tough economy. The companies that survive (and perhaps thrive) will be those that are most able to adapt to their customers' needs and to really provide what their customers' want. When economic times were easier, companies got in the habit of just drifting from one customer to the next without really giving much thought to what services they were providing, how well they were providing those services and whether that is what the customer really wants.
The economic downturn has, without doubt, forced a lot of companies out of business and those that remain, if they haven't already, will be taking a long hard look at what they do and how they do it. These days we cannot rely on an endless supply of new customers so, we have to really value the customers that we have, ensure they get exactly what they want and provide exceptional service for a reasonable cost. How do we do that?
Firstly, if you are a landscape professional ie a Garden Designer, a Landscaper, an Electrical Contractor, and Irrigation Contractor, a Lighting Designer or a Specifier then get along to one of our Open Days next week. Choose one of the three, convenient locations around the country,  meet the Landscapeplus team, get your hands on the product and talk with the manufacturers. 
See for yourself how you can grow your business and your profits whilst providing more for each of your customers. Don't forget the 1-2-3 for 2011...

1)   Look after all your customers, give them what they want and make them happy.
2)   By doing that, you will earn more from each of them and spend less time and money chasing new work.
3)   You happy customer will then refer you to their friends and maybe provide you with a testimonial to use - Happy days.

Don't forget our Open Days are small, focused and intimate events for you to speak one-on-one with the manufacturers and see the product. Allow yourself 2 or 3 hours, pick up some lunch and wander around at your leisure - it could well be the best investment of your time this year.

Click the link, sign up and see for yourself